Competition: Kalev Championship

Tartu (EST)
29. - 30.01.1958
  • 5 athletes from 1 nation
  • 2 women and 3 men
  • 5 distances (1000m, 1500m, 3000m, 5000m, 500m)
  • 20 races (2x mit DNF/DNS/DQ)

Text view of the competition results

Kalev Championship
29. - 30.01.1958
Tamme Staadion (EST)

Small Combination (Men), 29. - 30.01.1958

POS   NAME               AG       NAT   500M            3000M           1500M             5000M              POINTS    DIFF     RECORDS   
1     Endel Vaha         Senior   URS   50.40      SB   6:34.00         2:57.00           11:02.00      SB   239.600            SB        
2     Nikolai Siitin     n/a      URS   -               -               -                 -                  240.380   +0.780   SB        
      Aleksandr Keerov   A2       URS   -               -               2:47.60      SB   9:41.00       SB   -                            

Mini Combination (Women), 29. - 30.01.1958

POS   NAME                AG    NAT   500M          1500M           1000M           3000M           POINTS    DIFF   RECORDS   
1     Tamara Brõnova      Neo   URS   59.90         3:14.30         2:05.60         6:37.80         253.766          TR        
2     Kaldre Tõsjatova    n/a   URS   -             -               -               -               -                          

Kalev Championship
29. - 30.01.1958
Tamme Staadion (EST)

NAME               AG       500M       1500M        3000M        5000M         
Aleksandr Keerov   A2       dns        2:47.60      dns          9:41.00       
Endel Vaha         Senior   50.40      2:57.00      6:34.00      11:02.00      
Nikolai Siitin     n/a                                                         

NAME                AG    500M       1000M        1500M        3000M        
Tamara Brõnova      Neo   59.90      2:05.60      3:14.30      6:37.80      
Kaldre Tõsjatova    n/a